FIT TO WORK CERTIFICATES @ La Romaine Family Medical & Dental Centre

Prices vary based on your specific needs
(Final price determined at your appointment)

“Fit to work” or “Fitness to Work” is a medical assessment done when an employer wishes to be sure an employee can safely do a specific job or task. The purpose is to determine if medically the employee can perform the job or task under the working conditions. Fit to work assessments are most often done to determine medical fitness after an illness or injury, but are sometimes done after employment has been offered, as requested by the employer, or as a condition of a job transfer.

A fit to work assessment may be done for the following reasons (but are not limited to):

  • There has been a significant change in the working conditions.
  • An employee transfers to a position where the working conditions are significantly different.
  • The job at work has been modified and the returning worker is still going for physiotherapy, rehabilitation, or both.
  • There has been a change in an employee’s health (e.g., returning to work after recovery from a serious illness or injury).
  • A medical condition may limit, reduce or prevent the person from performing a new or current job effectively (e.g., musculoskeletal conditions that limit mobility).
  • A medical condition is likely to make it unsafe to do the job (e.g., a person may unpredictably become unconscious in a hazardous situation).
  • A medical condition is likely to make it unsafe both for him/her self, co-workers or the public (e.g., driving is essential to the job but the person is subject to unpredictable and sudden unconsciousness, or a food product inspection by an inspector with deficient colour vision).
  • A medical condition may be made worse by the job (e.g., excessive physical exertion by an employee with a heart or lung disorder).

Book an appointment for your Fit To Work online now in 3 easy steps

STEP 1 Simply choose a preferred date for your appointment from the calendar below, then choose your preferred appointment time block.
STEP 2 Click the ‘Book Now’ button and fill out and submit the required information.
STEP 3 Our office will receive your booking enquiry and will contact you to confirm your estimated cost, requested appointment date & time, or to reschedule to another date & time depending on the doctor’s availability. Please note that your final cost may vary based on any additional factors which may be determined during your appointment, so your total cost can only be provided at your appointment.

  • Each appointment generally has up to a 30 minute duration, depending on the care required.
  • Your total appointment cost will vary based on your specific needs, which you would be informed of when you attend your appointment and communicate your requirements to the doctor.
  • Payments are to be made in-office when you attend your appointment. We accept cash, Linx and credit card payments.



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